Tuesday 8 October 2013

College Magazine Audience Research

College Magazine Questionnaire

1.      Are you Male/Female/Other


2.      Do you read the college magazine? Yes/No


3.      How often would you like a college magazine published?

Weakly          Fortnightly          Monthly          Half-Term          Term


4.       How much would you be prepared to pay for a college magazine?

Nothing          50p          £1          £2


5.      Would freebies and discounts encourage you to buy a college magazine? Yes/No


6.      What would you like to see in the college magazine? Choose your top three.

Fashion          Sport          Music          Problem Page          Competitions        


Study Tips          Food          Technology          Games          Exams         


After College Activities


7.      Choose three colours that would attract you to the magazine.

Red          Yellow          Green          Purple          Blue           Pink          White         




8.      What images would you like to see on the front cover?

People          Technology          Nature          Student Work


9.      Would you want e-mail updates about the magazine? Yes/No


10.  Would you be interested in contributing to the magazine? Yes/No


Thank you for taking part in this questionnaire.


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